Holomorphic isometries from the Poincaré disk into bounded symmetric domains of rank at least two

Shan Tai Chan, Yuan Yuan

Abstract: We first study holomorphic isometries from the Poincaré disk into the product of the unit disk and the complex unit $n$-ball for $n\ge 2$. On the other hand, we observe that there exists a holomorphic isometry from the product of the unit disk and the complex unit $n$-ball into any irreducible bounded symmetric domain of rank $\ge 2$ which is not biholomorphic to any type-$\mathrm{IV}$ domain. In particular, our study provides many new examples of holomorphic isometries from the Poincaré disk into irreducible bounded symmetric domains of rank at least $2$ except for type-$\mathrm{IV}$ domains.

ArXiv: 1701.05623