Quantum Link Homology via Trace Functor I

Anna Beliakova, Krzysztof Putyra, Stephan Wehrli

Abstract: Motivated by topology, we develop a general theory of traces and shadows in an endobicategory, which is a bicategory $\mathbf C$ with an endobifunctor $\Sigma\colon \mathbf C \to\mathbf C$. Applying this framework to the bicategory of Chen-Khovanov bimodules with identity as $\Sigma$ we reproduce Asaeda-Przytycki-Sikora (APS) homology for links in a thickened annulus. If $\Sigma$ is a reflection, we obtain the APS homology for links in a thickened M\"obius band. Both constructions can be deformed by replacing $\Sigma$ with an endofunctor $\Sigma_q$ such that $\Sigma_q \alpha:=q^{-|\alpha|}\Sigma\alpha$ for any 2-morphism $\alpha$ and identity otherwise, where $q$ is a fixed invertible scalar. We call the resulting invariant the \emph{quantum link homology}. We prove in the annular case that this homology carries an action of $\mathcal U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$, which intertwines the action of cobordisms. In particular, the quantum annular homology of an $n$-cable admits an action of the braid group, which commutes with the quantum group action and factors through the Jones skein relation. This produces a nontrivial invariant for surfaces knotted in four dimensions. Moreover, a direct computation for torus links shows that the rank of quantum annular homology groups does depend on the quantum parameter $q$. Hence, our quantum link homology has a richer structure.

ArXiv: 1605.03523