Jack E. Graver, Mark E. Watkins
Abstract: We give necessary and sufficient conditions for lobe-transitivity of locally finite and locally countable graphs whose connectivity equals 1. We show further that, given any biconnected graph $Λ$ and a "code" assigned to each orbit of Aut($Λ$), there exists a unique lobe-transitive graph $Γ$ of connectivity 1 whose lobes are copies of $Λ$ and is consistent with the given code at every vertex of $Γ$. These results lead to necessary and sufficient conditions for a graph of connectivity $1$ to be edge-transitive and to be arc-transitive. Countable graphs of connectivity 1 the action of whose automorphism groups is, respectively, vertex-transitive, primitive, regular, Cayley, and Frobenius had been previously characterized in the literature.
ArXiv: 1811.12528